We want to hear from you! Call 306 463 9435 or use the details below to drop us a line...
Do you have a question?
If you're interested in one our services or if you need direction on a creative project, reach out on social media or use the form to send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would prefer to stop by our office ( Mon-Fri 8am-5pm), we are located inside Murlin Electronics at East Crossing Mall, Kindersley, SK.
Get In Touch
East Crossing Mall
705J 11th Ave East,
Kindersley, SK
(306) 463 9435 (306) 463 6055
Info@jem-cws.ca Jeff@jem-cws.ca Chris@jem-cws.ca Danielle@jem-cws.ca